Fox wrote his speech at the beginning of the year and has presented it 5 times. Here he is presenting it at a conference in April:
Hello my name is Fox. I am autistic. I am only able to talk with letters not my mouth. Autistic people are smart but it is deep inside. Autistic people really know a lot about everything but are not able to always show what they have learned. Each day autistics are treated like they are stupid not like the intelligent people that they are. It is horrible to be treated like a non-human only because of your autism. I think the world needs to understand that we are like the rest of you only our bodies do not always listen to our intelligent minds. Minds only are growing if you are filling them with interesting things. A mind sleeps if the ABA is taught over and over. Nobody assumes I am the intelligent boy that is always waiting to learn interesting things. I hope that other autistics do not have to go so long without learning. That is a terrible life to have. Autistics remember, only an intelligent mind is important not an able body. So a terrible life does not have to be yours. A thinking brain is a marvelous thing.
Thank you for sharing your words with us. It is so helpful in understanding autism. Keep up the good work!